It ain’t “both sides”.

A lot of what we say is so that we can sleep at night.
“God knows my heart.”
“I was just joking.”
“Your baby is so cute.” 

It’s all bullshit. God knows your heart and still deals with your ass so do better, you weren’t joking you just didn’t think you’d get called out and EVERY baby is NOT cute. But what else you gon say when you see an unfortunate looking baby “Yikes.”? Nah. It’s human nature. I do it. You do it. Though if the baby ain’t cute I just say, ‘you look just like yo daddy!’

As long as your bullshit isn’t affecting my life and vice versa, we’re good. But there is some bullshit that IS affecting my life and the culture, and since I’m an expert on calling out, here I am.

White people have “both side-ed” 100 years too long and we have to address it. The Unite the Right Rally, or the “Cintronella Circle-Jerk”  took place in Charlottesville, Virginia August 11th-12th, 2017. He-who-must-not-be-named, given yet another chance to be an actual leader failed miserably.  After neo-nazi James Fields, Jr.  drove his car into a crowd, killing Heather Heyer and injuring 35 others, the President of these United States said, “There’s blame on both sides…”; thus the “both sides” trend begun.

And my mind was (not really) blown.

If you punch me in the face, and I punch you back, there’s not blame on “both sides”.  The marginalized (POC, women, LGBT, etc.) reacting  to oppression cannot take as much custody of a conflict as an army of young white men chanting “Jews will not replace us.” The side that literally murdered someone cannot also have “fine people”.

These are the same people that ask a woman what she was wearing when she got raped, or that argue a child can seduce a grown ass man.

There were NO fine people on the ‘right’ in Charlottesville. Zero. None. Everyone who showed up for the Unite The Right Rally is a racist piece of shit. Period. Heather Heyer was not in the street  because it was a nice day outside. She was protesting white supremacy, which is a LIE that is always worthy of protest.

They are extreme though, right? Absolutely. I would argue though that “respectable” white people who (appear to be) a teench more reasonable than neo-nazis are also a huge part of the problem.

Meghan McCain is a good example of the respectable conservative white  who is ALSO a part of the problem. So we let them sit at the table, literally.  You won’t find them at neo-nazi marches (because they can’t wear their hoods) but you won’t find them speaking out against racism either. They are republican, after all.

The Meghans of this country benefit from a system founded in white supremacy so while they aren’t white supremacists on paper, (because they have some Black and Jewish friends) they aren’t really mad about white supremacy either and will even try to defend it in a ’round about way. That’s
why they are so passionate about ‘boarder control‘. God forbid a brown immigrant who is more qualified than Meghan get to enter this country because lets face it, the only reason we know Meghan McCain exists is because she’s a white woman named McCain.

The third white is the quiet one. They voted for Trump but won’t admit it and are strangely quiet around covert racism. They even may extend thoughts and prayers to victims of white supremacist motivated terrorists attacks and express that they long for the days when everyone could just get along on both sides of the aisle. They are delusional at best complacent at their worst.

When all levels of whiteness work in concert to take the blame off themselves, victim blame and be be silent they leave a quite the burden on minorities and white social justice warriors, people who are actually doing the work. But they have taken it a step farther.

White people always manage out white themselves.

Last week, leaked FBI documents from fiscal year 2018 indicated that “Black Identity Extremists” or BIEs and animal rights/environmental activists are at the top of their counterterrorism efforts and did not directly mention white supremacy at all.

Now, I have no warm and fuzzy feelings about cops on any level. But I didn’t think that EVERYbody in the FBI was a moron, so yall know I put my Googles to work. Apparently, the current white house didn’t want the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to mention white supremacy in its report.

There is nothing new about white supremacy it is the foundation on which these United States are built. Don’t argue. What is new is a President (openly) in bed with white supremacy. White supremacy cannot be called out by a white supremacist.

This white house has cut the budget of the DHS’ domestic terrorism program from $21 million in 2017 to $2.6 million currently. Without a budget and  with pressure from the President to not target his base, there is no way for federal law enforcement to even investigate domestic terrorism much less prevent it.

In the past 2 years, white supremacists have been responsible for all race-related incidents. All of them. Every single one. You know who hasn’t? Black Lives Matter (BLM) & People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), cause that’s who they mean when they say Black Identity Extremists and Animal Rights Activists.

PETA and BLM have never gone in Walmart, a church/temple/mosque, a movie theater, night club, music festival or ANYWHERE with an AR-15 and killed dozens of people. White men have. Animal rights activists and social justice warriors don’t have political power. White men do.

BLM was created as a response to the murder of Trayvon Martin. In the same way George Zimmerman is responsible for his murder, white supremacy is responsible for terrorist attacks in El Paso, Dayton, Gilroy, Pittsburg, Louisville, San Diego, & Tallahassee.

And in the same way, George Zimmerman got off, white supremacy is getting off. Since Donald Trump has become President, 62 people have been killed and 79 have been injured in the name of white supremacy.

As long as presidential candidates and political commentators “don’t know what’s in his heart” when the POTUS calls Black/Brown countries, shitholes, Mexican immigrants rapists, calls Black women dogs, claims Black men who disagree with him have low IQ, demand to see a Black person’s birth certificate, and insist that white supremacists are ‘fine people’… the white supremacy will continue to feel emboldened and the danger will only get worse.

The police have stopped 6 white supremacist attacks since El Paso 2 weeks ago. 

It isn’t both sides, It is one side and one side only. It’s the white, cishet-male, Christian side.

It is the responsibility of that side to fix it. Until the we call a spade a spade, a duck a duck and white supremacy, terrorism, we remain in danger. Who is we? Black/Brown people, Brown/Spanish-speaking citizens and immigrants, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Women, & LGBT people to name a few.

This is the part of the blog where I wrap it up and call for action but all I’ve got is: White men, this is your fault. Figure out how to fix it.

As Black/Queer woman I’m not taking any responsibility for this problem or using any energy to try to fix it. I’m not coming across the aisle, sitting at the table or being nice to anyone who supports Donald Trump period. I’ve already used too much energy explaining it.

I tell you what I AM gonna do while yall figure it out though. Get a gun.



What’s wrong with white men?!

29138219_10214022411253215_1604364373_n“He was polite, a deep thinker…”
“… a very challenged young man”
“seemed like a smart kid who showed a lot of promise”
“he came from a tight-knit, godly family”

These quotes describe Mark Anthony Conditt, the 23 year old white guy who before blowing himself up carried out terrorist attacks via bombs in FedEx packages for the better part of a month in Austin, TX. These attacks resulted in the murders of Anthony House and Draylen Mason (both Black men) as well as the injuring others.

You’re familiar with the adage from James Baldwin “To be Negro in this country and … conscious is to be in a constant state of rage.” I don’t want to be in a constant state of rage and constantly try to avoid it by choosing my battles, but I’m going to have to choose this one. I hear the conversations around gun control, mental health and bullying but nobody is going to say it so I will.

White men are the problem.

In my Tonald Drump voice, we gotta figure out what the hell is wrong with white men?

Not only are white men the problem, the media constantly bends itself into a pretzel to humanize even the worst of them.

In the trend of white men going ape shit, the cops and politicians (IF they say anything) are always very careful to NOT say its terrorism or a hate crime. I call bullshit. The current cultural connotation of the word terrorism is brown and Muslim. According to the dictionary terrorism is violence in the pursuit of political aims.

2016’s  New York bomb was called terrorism. A Muslim with a name we can’t pronounce from a country we can’t point to on a map carried out an attack in the name of ISIS. We can all agree that’s terrorism and those with the microphones were quick to call it terrorism even BEFORE they had any evidence of it.

When I was reading the article about the latest white male terrorist, I thought I was reading the obituary of a victim and not the attacker. He was “polite”, “a deep thinker”, had “many challenges”. Why do those that control the narrative try so hard to humanize White men no matter what they do; while at the same time trying to harden and criminalize Black victims? White supremacy is the short answer.

The foundation of the United States of America is white supremacy. It was colonized by white men who carried out a genocide of brown and red people, then enslaved Black people to build it. America would not be what it is economically or culturally had it not been for white supremacy. Once America addresses and admits its original sin, she can begin to atone for it. Until then, we going straight to hell and I’m calling everyone out. You can’t whoop me.

I have it better than my ancestors and for that I’m thankful. I’ve never had to look for the colored section of anything but, white supremacy still affects us, its just a different flavor.

The 2018 version of white supremacy isn’t white robes and ropes hanging from trees, it’s the media painting Stephen Paddock who killed 50 people “enjoyed country music and lived a quiet life.”

It says of Nikolas Cruz who walked in his alma mater and shot 33 innocent people that he was ‘lost and lonely’

The guy that drove into a crowd of peaceful protesters? James Feilds, Jr. “had trouble making friends”, was a “very quiet little boy”.

180323143839-02-stephon-clark-family-exlarge-169On the other hand, Trayvon Martin a teenager murdered for no reason was called a ‘thug’ because he had on a hoodie on a cold rainy night.

2018’s white supremacy murders Jordan Davis because he was playing ‘thug music’ and then goes home and orders a pizza. It insists Eric Garner died of a heart attack after being choked to death and saying “I can’t breath.” 11 times. Stephon Clark was holding a fucking cell phone in his grandmomma’s back yard and shot at 20 times.

According to Vox, since ole boy took office, more Americans have been murdered by white men than by Muslim men. As a matter of fact, since 9/11, more Americans have been killed by homegrown right-wing terrorists than Muslim ones. I’m not denying that there are Muslim extremist groups that are a threat and we should probably keep one eye on them, but I am arguing that as American citizens we are more likely to be killed by a Christian white dude so we need to vet them too. But we know white supremacy isn’t rooted in logic.

In my opinion, we need to take a serious look at the psychology of the American white (straight, cis) white man and figure out why there is a different mass shooting/bombing every week. The rest of us do not go on killing sprees because of life’s circumstances. Did nobody teach white men to deal with inconvenience? We can talk about mental health and gun control, but we have to talk about white men if we want to stop mass shootings and bombings.

I’m mentally ill and that’s putting it nicely. I’m NUTS. I was bullied about my hair. My father couldn’t be bothered. I never felt an urge to kill a bunch of innocent strangers about it. I’m not saying I’d never shoot anybody, I’m just saying if I did, I’d have a reason. I’m trying to figure out what is it about the white male experience that makes him lose his marbles at experiences that are regular to the rest of us. Why kill a bunch of innocent strangers?

Furthermore, why don’t the people around him see that he’s a terrorist? There are people in my life that if they did something I’d be like “oh yea, they did that shit. guilty as hell. been crazy since they were born.” (I ain’t no snitch though) You mean to tell me that NOBODY around these terrorists saw it coming? There’s a FEW people in my life I make sure don’t have access to guns and explosives.

What if Black women went on killing sprees every time they were bullied?! What if Black women had time to make bombs?

In my humble opinion, I think that white men are used to being on top in every aspect of society. They are teaching their sons that they are special if for no other reasons than they are white men and the world is changing. We like to say that racism is over. But the guys that are carrying out these terrorist attacks are 20 something millennials whose parents been lying to them.

They must come to terms with being a white man isn’t enough anymore and that white mediocrity won’t always win. We had a Black president, a woman almost became one so they had to go get the poster child for white mediocrity and elect him. He’s racist, sexist, an all around buffoon and has emboldened mediocre white men everywhere. We in danger, yall.

In conclusion, I’m not a mental health expert… This is just my theory. I wish I could spend my energy on something else (listening to Snoop’s Gospel album) but I like going to church and the movies and don’t want to get shot. I live in Kentucky, issa lotta white men here. I got to be vigilant. A relative and I were at Hobby Lobby and this white man reaches into his coat (for what we later figured out were his car keys), and we paused and grabbed each other.

White men are the issue this time. I’ve had to take on alotta heavy loads for ALL Black women (and Black people at times) so I’m glad to give something to white men. White men are the issue. They are the domestic terrorists. They are the reason ole boy is in office. White men have a permanent spot on my prayer list.


If this blog entry upsets you, remember that you can’t whoop my ass and I only argue on Sundays. Wakanda Forever.


I don’t give a damn about the 2nd amendment.

We are not going to get gun control. I realized this in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting. When the victims were white children and they still wouldn’t address gun control legislation, I knew that we may have to take matters (and guns) into our own hands.

“It’s my second amendment right!”

Fuck the second (and first too, but different conversation) amendment, honestly. It was written in 1791, and there were many ‘laws’ on the books we had to get rid of. The second amendment needs amending. Guns had one bullet when the second amendment was written. Women couldn’t vote. People were property. Men married they cousins.. etc. Things had to change.

AND AND AND.. nobody is trying to take away all guns. There simply needs to be legislation that limits the type of guns and equipment civilians can get. The second amendment only says you can have a gun. It doesn’t say you can have any kind of gun you want. No civilian should have an assault rifle. If you want an AR-15, join the military and go into a war zone. You get a gun and an outfit.

mass shootings.jpgAssault rifles are capable of firing off many rounds in a short period of time with high accuracy. These weapons were banned in 1994. The ban expired in 2004 and congress didn’t renew it. Statistically it is argued that the ban didn’t do much to help because we’re all more likely to be killed by handguns. I think that one incident and just one life behind a military style weapon in the hands of a civilian is worth a conversation. Much less dozens of incidents and hundreds of people.

Isn’t it interesting how everyone just shrugs their shoulders when it’s about something white men need to do or stop doing? Americans in Caribbean territories have no power. White men keep unleashing bullets into crowds of people. *Shrugs* I just wish the outrage behind kneeling during a song about a piece of cloth would carry on to an epidemic of mass shootings. Bitches. 

Did you know that in the past al-Qaeda (the muslims we’re supposed to be afraid of) encouraged its members to take advantage of American gun laws?

The current political machine is NOT going to pass any gun control legislation. Why not? The NRA. Simply put, the national rifle association buys politicians. Well, the NRA buys republicans. In the 2016 election cycle. The NRA spent $56.2 million on Republicans and $265 on Democrats.

Whenever there is a mass shooting, Republicans are quick to offer their ‘thoughts and prayers’ to the victims. Translation: I feel a teench guilty, but I’m still not gon do shit to fix this. It is not a politicians job to pray. The pastors have that covered. Keep your thoughts and your prayers. They probably aren’t getting past the ceiling anyhow.


Since we’ve established legislation isn’t going to work? What should we do? I’m glad you asked. I have time.

Elect politicians that aren’t bought by the NRA

I have no warm and fuzzy feelings about the two-party system. Republicans and Democrats belong in the same trash can to me. BUT this issue is partisan. Vote democrat if you want to see gun control via legislation. It is important to vote this way on the state level (Governor, State Senators/Reps) because many gun regulations can be changed on the state level. Make sure you know your state’s gun regulations. Here’s a list of what politicians have received money from the NRA by state. Drain the swamp. LOL. Take NRA funds out of the government.

More Regulations on the Federal Level

Many states do background checks on individuals looking to obtain a license. I think this should be a requirement for ALL states on the federal level and the more dangerous the gun, the more extensive your check. I want your google search data, what medicine you take, what you been to jail for, was ya momma crazy too? and with certain parameters. You can have this supersoaker but its a no for this AR-15.

marlon.jpgGet you a gun legally

Especially if you are a minority. Get a gun. White people love their second amendment. They won’t love it as much if you exercise that right as well. If a bunch of young black people start buying guns and walking around strapped, I promise something will happen.

Tax Ammunition

Highly taxed Ammo will help the local economy and make it harder to attain bullets. Those funds should then go to state-run gun violence education and prevention campaigns.

Ban White Men

This will solve a slew of problems. I said what I said.

In conclusion, there are answers to our problems and its going to take hard conversations, policy, and action to solve them. I’m going to pray but I’m going to DO SOMETHING too.